Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sweeney Todd

In Art History Class I am working on a paper and presentation on a piece of work in London's Tate Modern Museum. The picture above is the art piece that I am doing, which is called Venus of the Rags. I went yesterday to give my presentation in Tate Modern. Philippa liked it a lot so hopefully I do well on my paper too. The main theme of Venus of the Rags is the collision between historical art and modern art. I really liked it and picked it because of the contrast (rough vs smooth, colorful vs white, permanent vs impermanent, historical vs modern).

Last night we went to see Sweeney Todd. The production was really good, but the story was not my favorite. The main actress was the woman who played professor Umbridge in Harry Potter. Once again here is a video preview:

Today I am trying to finish a lot of my homework. i have a lot of papers and presentations due the next two weeks. Tomorrow we are going to Hampton Court and taking a 8 mile bike ride. Then I am going to see Les Mis with Curtis.

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